This 3.5 acre site and 3500+ square foot building overlooks the Atlantic Ocean and is available to all property owners and their guests for beach parking, beach access, outdoor relaxation and small social gatherings.
Learn MoreThe Main Gate is at the entrance to the Community and serves as the main access control point of entry for owners and their guests. The building is staffed 24-7.
Enter a Gate PassThe Palm Gate is located past the Wild Dunes Main Gate on the left side of Palm Boulevard. This gate serves as the access point for all contractors, commercial vehicles, delivery trucks, maintenance personnel.
The freshwater fishing dock is located at the corner of Lagoon Road and Back Bay Drive.
There are approximately 15 miles of roads and road rights of way shoulders within Wild Dunes. WDCA maintenance responsibilities include repair of the asphalt surfaces, drainage collection systems and landscaping within these areas.
There are approximately 4.5 miles of bicycle and pedestrian paths/sidewalks in the community.
Approximately 8,500 linear feet of beach access paths are located from 54th Avenue (outside the Main Gate) to Shipwatch Villas.
The Waterway Island Bridge spans Morgan Creek and connects Morgan Creek Drive to Waterway Island Drive.
Thirty-plus acres of lagoons serve as the stormwater drainage collector system for the community. WDCA maintenance responsibilities include algae control, erosion control adjacent to common areas (such as roads and bike paths) and sediment removal in these waterways.